Access Keys:

Saint Helens Jr School, Limetree Ave, Robswalls, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin

Philosophy and Aims of our School

The staff of St. Helen's Junior School promote the intellectual, physical, social, spiritual, moral, religious and aesthetic development of all our pupils.  The school community in general, and the teaching staff in particular, aim to develop in the pupils:

  • a sense of personal identity and self worth
  • a spirit of inclusiveness
  • a knowledge of God's invitation, to hear His word and explore how best they can respond in their own lives
  • knowledge and skills
  • positive attitudes to work
  • a spirit of self reliance, innovation and initiative
  • a sense of wonder
  • respect for the rights and beliefs of others
  • expressive, creative and artistic abilities
  • an appreciation of the beauty of our environment
  • responsibility for caring for the environment
  • responsiblity for caring for the environment
  • tolerance
  • physical, emotional, spiritual health

In working to achieve these aims we aspire to taking the initial steps to enable our pupils to be tolerant, caring and responsible members of our community